Lamella-Pack Oil Settlers: Applications

Disoleatori Oilpack Monoblocco OM

They are wastewater treatment systems that prevent oils and hydrocarbons from reaching bodies of water at the time of spillage: what are the applications of lamella-pack oil settlers? Below, we see a list of applications and successful installation contexts.

1. Oil & gas industries

Refineries, fuel depots and in general oil industries find in their waters (both rainwater and washing) an abundance of oils, phenols and hydrocarbons. These substances, if not removed, can inhibit subsequent treatments.

Oilpack lamellar pack oil separators have found application in this sector because they combine a high oil removal efficiency with their characteristic simplicity and compactness. Used as a pre-treatment upstream of biological treatments, such as the Biorulli® system, they have allowed the removal of the majority of non-emulsified oils, increasing the effectiveness of subsequent stages.

2. Treatment of rainwater (first rain)

In recent decades, in different ways and at different times, all countries are adopting laws that require the treatment of first rain water. Due to the continuous increase in air pollution, runoff water from roofs and yards is full of pollutants, particulate matter, oils, etc.

The lamellar pack oil separator is widely used as a pre-treatment of these waters because it removes traces of oils. This system is often chosen for the particular characteristics of the application: it is a device that does not necessarily require continuous operation and therefore can only be used during meteorological events. By creating an appropriately sized accumulation tank upstream, the sizing of the Oilpack has been reduced to the bare minimum, with consequent savings on investment costs and space requirements.

3. Separation of oils for mechanical workshops

Wastewater from mechanical workshops is characterized by a high content of non-emulsified oils, which are considered pollutants; for this reason, it is necessary to remove them before discharging them into bodies of water.

Furthermore, they significantly reduce the effectiveness of water purification treatments, especially biological treatments, because they coat the microorganisms with a film, compromising their biological activity and survival. Thanks to a lamellar pack oil separator, the oils are separated with extreme effectiveness and the water takes on characteristics compatible with the subsequent treatment stages.

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