Panoramica dei Filtri a Tela Pile

Pile Cloth Media Filters for Wastewater Treatment: what to know

Pile cloth media filters, or free-fiber cloth filters, are an extremely efficient technology for tertiary filtration of civil and industrial wastewater. Here you will find a guide to all site resources on this water treatment technology.

Filtri a Tela Pile su Banche Dati BIM

Pile Cloth Media Filters: what they are, how they work, what are the benefits

Panoramica dei Filtri a Tela Pile

Pile Cloth Filters for Wastewater Treatment: an Overview

If you've come to this guide, it's probably because you're interested in tertiary filtration of civil wastewater or industrial process effluent finishing. And you've probably heard of this technology: pile cloth filters for water treatment. What are they? How do they work? At what stage of water treatment do they intervene or with what benefit?

Filtrazione Terziaria di Acque Reflue

Tertiary Filtration for Wastewater Treatment: overview, regulations, technologies

Tertiary filtration, or final filtration, is a set of processes and technologies that are part of the larger set of tertiary wastewater treatments. One goal: to enable civil wastewater treatment plants and process industries to achieve a very high level of water quality.

Filtrazione Acque Industriali con Filtri a Tela Pile

Industrial Water Filtration with Pile Cloth Filters: 10 Advantages

They are the new ally of wastewater treatment engineering firms and consultants: which are the main advantages of pile cloth filters for industrial wastewater treatment?

Filtri a Tela Verticali a Fibra Libera #1

Vertical Cloth Filters: Tertiary Filtration for Small Footprint

Stringent regulations, limited space, tight installation budgets, and, in the future, scarcity of the water resource: what is the optimal solution for engineering firms and environmental consultants facing these challenges? In many civil, but especially industrial facilities, versatile vertical cloth filters are the answer.

Riutilizzo Acque Reflue con Filtri a Tela Pile #1

Wastewater Reuse through Pile Cloth Media Filters

Occorre un riutilizzo delle acque reflue efficace nelle comunità civili, nell’industria e in agricoltura. E ancor più che in altri ambiti, la versatilità tecnica e funzionale dei filtri a tela pile si sta facendo largo nei progetti di consulenti e studi di ingegneria per impianti di depurazione di acque reflue civili e industriali.

Applicazioni dei Filtri a Dischi su Tela Pile

Pile cloth filters and wastewater treatment

Trattamenti Meccanici di Acque Reflue
Physical principles as the only leverage for removing suspended solids

Mechanical Wastewater Treatments

Low energy use, usually low acquisition and operating costs: these are some of the features of mechanical wastewater treatments, which remove suspended solids of various kinds without the input of chemicals or biological processes. Some examples of these systems, also proposed by MITA Water Technologies: lamellar pack settlers and decanters, flocculators, free-fiber cloth filters.

Trattamenti di Filtrazione Acque Reflue
For proper discharge or reuse

Tertiary Filtration of Wastewater

Sand, cloth, or membrane filtration: different tertiary treatment methods with different filter media to properly discharge treated water into water bodies. Or for effective reuse of the "blue resource".

Rimozione di Solidi Sospesi Totali IT

Removal of Total Suspended Solids from Wastewater.

Total suspended solids (TSS) are solid particles of different sizes and origins found suspended in wastewater. Removal of these solids improves the yield of the purification process and reduces the risk of contamination of surface and groundwater. The most common methods used: sedimentation, filtration, coagulation.

Rimozione Fosforo nel Trattamento Acque

Removal of Phosphorus from Wastewater

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for life, but in excess it can cause water eutrophication with algae growth and weakening of the aquatic food chain. Chemical treatments are among the most widely used processes for removing phosphorus from wastewater, and efficient sedimentation and filtration units provide valuable support.

Business Internazionale del Trattamento delle Acque Reflue

The Complexity of Wastewater Treatment International Business

Wastewater treatment business is a court where different types of players engage. Dealing with such a complex market is a challenge for any Export Manager of equipment supplying companies. Every single contributor will have different views, goals and technical focuses.

Riutilizzo Acque Reflue con Filtri a Tela Pile #1

Use of pile cloth filters

Smaltimento Acque secondo Normative
Discharge to sewer and surface water according to regulations

Water Disposal

This is the most frequent requirement of municipalities and businesses with regard to sewage treatment: disposing of water according to regulations avoids incurring increasingly severe penalties. European and national requirements need to be known in order to properly carry out the appropriate operations, along with the parameters for assessing the quality of the effluent to be treated.

Riutilizzo Acque Reflue Civili
Regulations, processes and technologies of a key challenge

Municipal Wastewater Reuse

Civil wastewater is a valuable resource that can be reused to reduce fresh water consumption, save on supply costs, and protect the environment, which is why the European Union has established a regulatory framework to promote the reuse of civil wastewater. MITA Water Technologies offers a full range of solutions for the treatment and reuse of civil wastewater, covering all three stages of a municipal wastewater treatment plant.

Riutilizzo Acque Reflue Industriali
The blue resource from criticality to opportunity for businesses

Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Industrial wastewater reuse is an opportunity for industries to reduce costs, improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact: the European Union has established a regulatory framework, now it's up to companies to seize the opportunity in terms of optimizing this resource. Some tools to do so: reverse osmosis, cloth filtration... and good advice.

Riutilizzo Acque per Agricoltura
The treatment that is good for the land and its productivity

Wastewater Reuse for Agriculture

How to deal efficiently and rationally with water management issues? In agriculture, one answer is immediately obvious: the treatment and reuse of the blue resource, which is used elsewhere and often wasted. Some technologies, such as free-fiber cloth filters, support the achievement of this goal.

Riutilizzo Acque Prima Pioggia
Five, ten seconds to make a criticality an asset

First Rain Water Reuse

Rainwater, which falls in industrial and civil plant yards, can be treated by removal of its oil and grease component and reused. Several solutions from MITA Water Technologies can support in this purpose: Oilpack oil separators, Flowpack decanters, Mitadaf flotation units.

Filtrazione Acque Industriali con Filtri a Tela Pile

Pile cloth media filters on the market

Filtri a Tela su Tamburo TF
filter area from 2m² to 6m²

TF - TF VM Drum Filters

The high filtration rates and small footprint make the Drum Filter the ideal final filtration system for sewage treatment plants, industrial or municipal plants of small capacity. All units are complete with an electrical control panel and can be installed in a concrete tank or supplied complete with a metal containment tank.

Filtri a Tela a Fibra Libera PEC
filter area from 10m² to 160m²

PEC - PEC VM Disc Filters

With these free-fiber filtration systems, we get to serve medium to large sewage treatment plants with minimal floor space requirements. Not only that. In the PEC and PEC VM disc filters, backwashing with sequentially driven pumps provides the machine with operational continuity in water treatment, consequently avoiding the need to provide a back-up unit.

Filtri a Tela a Fibra Libera PPC
filter area from 10m² to 160m²

PPC - PPC VM Disc Filters

A solution for high filtration yields and efficient handling and backwashing, with only two pumps for the whole system: the PPC and PPC VM disc filters are for concrete or metal tank, respectively. Versatility and little ancillary work required for operation.

Filtri a Tela con Dischi ad Asse Verticale PECV
Tertiary filtration for small spaces

PECV VM Vertical-Axis Disc Filters

An optimal solution for small and medium-sized plants, as much for its compactness as for its simplicity of installation and operation: these are the PECV VM metal tank vertical axis disc filters, for the final separation of suspended solids from civil and industrial wastewater.

Filtri a Tela Pile per l'Impianto di Barletta - Acquedotto Pugliese

Realizations with pile cloth filters for civil and industrial wastewater

Filtri a Tela Pile per il Depuratore di San Rocco
  • Civil Wastewater
  • Municipal Utilities
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • Pile Cloth Media Filters

Pile Cloth Media Filters for the Milan San Rocco Sewage Treatment Plant

In 2024, MM spa upgraded the Milan San Rocco municipal water treatment plant with cloth filters supplied by MITA Water Technologies. Six MSF 32/160 PPC HD stainless-steel filters were installed to improve filtration capacity in parallel with the existing sand filters. The solution provided effective reduction of total suspended solids (TSS), bringing the level to less than 10 mg/l. Reliability, speed of execution, and quality of water treatment.

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Filtri a Tela Pile per Azienda Chimica
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Chemical Sector
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • Pile Cloth Media Filters

Pile Cloth Filters for Chemical Company

Efficiency in removing suspended solids, compliance with regulations in spilling process water into the sewage system: a chemical company in the province of Monza-Brianza chose free-fiber cloth filters and solved in its needs in wastewater treatment.

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Filtri a Tela e Torre di Raffreddamento per Industria della Plastica
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Plastic Industry
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • Pile Cloth Media Filters

Cloth Filters and Cooling Tower for Plastic Industry

Cooling and wastewater treatment together: that's the card that proved successful in supporting a plastics equipment company in northern Italy, which was already working with MITA Cooling Technologies (now a commercial partner of MITA Water Technologies). The possibility of water reuse, through comprehensive management of this resource, is a card that industries can exploit to derive value from blue gold.

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Filtri a Tela per il Depuratore Acque di Cuma
  • Civil Wastewater
  • Municipal Utilities
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • Pile Cloth Media Filters

Cloth Filters for the Cuma Wastewater Treatment Plant

It is one of the largest tertiary filtration systems in Europe: the MITA supply for the vast Cuma water treatment plant near Naples, having a treatment capacity of 1,200,000 population equivalents. The goal of the project was to improve the plant's purification performance.

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  • Civil Wastewater
  • Municipal Utilities
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • Pile Cloth Media Filters

Pile Cloth Filters for the San Martino di Castrozza Water Treatment Plant

The civil sewage treatment plant in San Martino di Castrozza, Trentino, has also been expanded with a pile cloth filtration section.

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