Rimozione Solidi Sospesi Totali nel Trattamento Acque

Nutrient removal in industrial wastewater

Rimozione di Solidi Sospesi Totali IT

Removal of Total Suspended Solids from Wastewater.

Total suspended solids (TSS) are solid particles of different sizes and origins found suspended in wastewater. Removal of these solids improves the yield of the purification process and reduces the risk of contamination of surface and groundwater. The most common methods used: sedimentation, filtration, coagulation.

Rimozione BOD e COD nel Trattamento Acque

Removal of BOD and COD from Wastewater

Industrial and civil wastewater may contain high concentrations of organic matter, which can be measured "indirectly" through the parameters BOD and COD. Treatments with aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are useful for decreasing these two values. Dissolved air floaters and biodisc oxidation systems are two MITA technologies for removing BOD and COD.

Rimozione Fosforo nel Trattamento Acque

Removal of Phosphorus from Wastewater

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for life, but in excess it can cause water eutrophication with algae growth and weakening of the aquatic food chain. Chemical treatments are among the most widely used processes for removing phosphorus from wastewater, and efficient sedimentation and filtration units provide valuable support.

Rimozione Azoto nel Trattamento Acque
How to treat an element that can cause water eutrophication

Removal of Nitrogen from Wastewater

There are a variety of technologies available for nitrogen removal from wastewater, including biomass-added and suspended.

Rimozione Oli e Grassi nel Trattamento Acque

Oil and Grease Removal from Waste Water

Sedimentation, flotation and chemical treatments: some of the processes, also exploited by MITA technologies, for the removal of oils and greases.

Filtri a Tela Verticali per Industria Farmaceutica

Industrial wastewater treatment systems

Decantatori Lamellari Flowpack con Telaio F
for sludge sedimentation

Flowpack Lamella Decanters Monobloc FM

Solid-liquid separation, sludge decanting, water clarification for further finishing operations-all these are represented by the FM Monoblock Series lamella decanters. Compact, efficient and space-saving solution. Simplicity of operation and very low product life cycle costs are pluses appreciated by customers in the civil and industrial fields.

Disoleatori Oilpack Monoblocco OM
for the separation of oils

Oilpack Oil Separators Monoblock OM

These one-piece oil separators are designed to separate non-emulsified oils and consist of a containment tank, made of treated and painted carbon steel or AISI 304 stainless steel or stainless steel according to the customer's choice, and a 45° inclined parallel channel lamella pack made of UV-resistant polystyrene. Customizations with special materials are available upon request.

Mitadaf MD Flottatori ad Aria Disciolta
For flotation of suspended solids, oils and fats

Mitadaf MD Dissolved Air Flotation Units

Mitadaf is the dissolved air flotation (DAF) system developed by MITA Water Technologies. Its outstanding efficiency in separating solids from liquid and thickening sludge comes from a unique approach that combines the use of microbubbles of air, produced by our Mitasat MS, with a uniform effluent hydrodynamic system.

Sistemi di Ossidazione Biorulli Monoblocco M 240
2.4 m disc diameter and metal tub

Biorulli® Biological Disc Rotors Monoblock M 240

It is the monobloc version, thus consisting of rollers and tank, with larger dimensions, useful for plants with more important disposal needs: nevertheless, M 240 biodiscs feature the same simplicity of installation, operation and maintenance typical of biological treatment solutions offered by MITA Water Technologies.

Filtri a Sabbia Continui FS
For tertiary water treatment

FS Sand Filters

Efficiency and continuity of operation: continuous sand filters represent a classic solution that is easy to construct and operate for wastewater finishing. The MITA solution allows the filter medium, i.e., sand, to be separated from impurities by a unique patented washing system.

Filtri a Tela a Fibra Libera PEC
filter area from 10m² to 160m²

PEC - PEC VM Disc Filters

With these free-fiber filtration systems, we get to serve medium to large sewage treatment plants with minimal floor space requirements. Not only that. In the PEC and PEC VM disc filters, backwashing with sequentially driven pumps provides the machine with operational continuity in water treatment, consequently avoiding the need to provide a back-up unit.

Filtri a Tela con Dischi ad Asse Verticale PECV
Tertiary filtration for small spaces

PECV VM Vertical-Axis Disc Filters

An optimal solution for small and medium-sized plants, as much for its compactness as for its simplicity of installation and operation: these are the PECV VM metal tank vertical axis disc filters, for the final separation of suspended solids from civil and industrial wastewater.

Applicazioni dei Filtri a Dischi su Tela Pile

Industrial wastewater treatment: Applications and Needs

Trattamento Acque Reflue per l'Industria Alimentare

Water Treatment for Food Industry

Large amounts of total suspended solids, presence of grease, extreme load variability-these are characteristics that are often found when dealing with water treatment for the food industry. Flexible systems are therefore needed, possibly with an integration of biological and mechanical treatments. However, each project must start with a rigorous test with pilot units.

Trattamento Acque Reflue per l'Industria Plastica

Water Treatment for Plastics Industry

Total suspended solids contained in wastewater from the plastics industry are effectively removed by different MITA solutions such as decanters, floaters, sand filters or on free-fiber cloth.

Trattamento Acque reflue per le Cartiere

Water Treatment for Paper Mills

Paper industries use a significant amount of water, with often high values in terms of total suspended solids, BOD and COD. Some of the proposed solutions: decanters, de-oilers, oxidation systems. And for finishing, some very high-efficiency filtration solutions.

Trattamento Acqua per Industria Chimica

Water Treatment for the Chemical Industry

Toxicity and significant organic components often characterize chemical industry wastewater. Some of MITA Water Technologies' solutions facilitate the removal of pollutants, especially downstream of physical-chemical treatments: Biorulli® biodiscs, lamella-pack decanters, and free-fiber cloth filters.

Trattamento Acque per Industria Tessile e Conciaria

Water Treatment for the Textile and Tanning Industry

Wastewater from the textile and tanning industry is rich in organics and surfactants and suspended solids (such as synthetic fibers or even heavy metals). Therefore, biological and pollutant separation treatments by flotation, often in combination, are useful.

Trattamento Acque per Oil & Gas

Water Treatment for Oil & Gas

Industrial wastewater from oil & gas is very often rich in oils, phenols, polyphenols and hydrocarbons and therefore needs de-oiling, even upstream of subsequent biological treatment: lamellar pack de-oilers and flotation units are some solutions proposed for the purpose by MITA Water Technologies.

Chiarificatori Lamellari per un'Industria in Tanzania

Industrial wastewater treatment: Applications of Individual Solutions

Decantatori Lamellari per Fanghi Chimico-Fisici

Lamella-Pack Decanters: Applications

Modular, highly efficient and economically convenient: they are a classic solution but still widely used in the removal of even coarse suspended solids. So, what are the main applications of lamella-pack decanters? Let's look at some of them together.

Disoleatori Oilpack Monoblocco OM

Lamella-Pack Oil Settlers: Applications

They are wastewater treatment systems that prevent oils and hydrocarbons from reaching bodies of water at the time of spillage: what are the applications of lamella-pack oil settlers? Below, we see a list of applications and successful installation contexts.

Mitadaf MD Flottatori ad Aria Disciolta

Dissolved Air Flotation Units: Applications

High efficiency, simplicity and reliability: we are talking about water treatment systems always used for the separation of suspended solids and other particles. What are the applications of dissolved air flotation units? Let's see some of them below.

Contattori Biologici Rotanti Biorulli per ENI
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • BOD and COD Removal
  • Biorulli® Biodiscs
  • Oil & Gas

Biorulli(r) Rotating Biological Contactors for ENI

Customization and long-term trust relationship: these are the two variables that decided the award to MITA Water Technologies of the revamping of the water treatment of an ENI depot in Central Italy. Rotary biological contactors, supplied to the company, are simple but efficient devices for COD removal.

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Trattamento Terziario di Acque Reflue Civili e Industriali

Continuous Sand Filters: Applications

They are a classic and efficient solution for the tertiary filtration of waste water, both civil and industrial: what are the main applications of continuous sand filters? Here is a list of contexts in which it is useful to install this simple to build and manage system.

Filtri a Tela per il Depuratore Acque di Cuma

Pile Cloth Filters: Applications

Sono una delle soluzioni di filtrazione terziaria di acque reflue più efficienti sul mercato: ma quali sono le applicazioni dei filtri a tela pile? E in quali contesti installativi possono essere inseriti?

Rotori Biologici Biorulli per Icap-Sira

Industrial wastewater treatment: Case Studies

Biodischi per Impianti Compatti Biocombi
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • BOD and COD Removal
  • Biorulli® Biodiscs
  • Lamellar Pack Decanters
  • Food & Beverage Industry

Biodiscs and decanter for Italian food company

Integrated systems for different stages of water treatment: the key to a successful supply for a food company, through an environmentally sensitive engineering consulting firm in northern Italy.

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Disoleatori a Pacchi Lamellari per Trenitalia
  • Civil Wastewater
  • Municipal Utilities
  • Oil and Grease Removal
  • Lamellar Pack Oil Separators

Lamella-Pack Oil Settler for Trenitalia

In 2023, MITA Water Technologies improved the wastewater treatment system i Trenitalia in Sassari. How? With a new simple and efficient lamella-pack oil separator, which replaced an outdated system.

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Filtro a Sabbia e Flottatore per Lavorazione Alluminio
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • BOD and COD Removal
  • Oil and Grease Removal
  • Biorulli® Biodiscs
  • Dissolved Air Flotation Units
  • Continuous Sand Filters

Water Treatment and Cooling Systems for Vedani Group

Various industrial water treatment technologies as well as cooling technologies: since 1995 MITA Water Technologies has provided multiple solutions, together with its "sister" company MITA Cooling Technologies, for the complete water management of Vedani Group, which has been active in aluminum processing since 1982.

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Rotori Biologici per un'Azienda Casearia in Cile
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • BOD and COD Removal
  • Lamellar Pack Decanters
  • Food & Beverage Industry

Biological Rotors for a Dairy Company in Chile

Easy operation and maintenance, effective removal of suspended solids: biodiscs installed in a Chilean dairy prove to be an effective solution for biological wastewater treatment in the food industry. The continued support provided by MITA Water Technologies was particularly appreciated, along with the achievement of the required parameters.

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Filtri a Sabbia per uno Studio di Ingegneria in Irlanda
  • Civil Wastewater
  • Municipal Utilities
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • Continuous Sand Filters

Sand Filters for an Engineering Firm in Ireland

Sand filters are a classic solution for tertiary treatment of municipal water: they are the solution proposed to an Irish engineering firm for the water treatment of a civil plant in Ireland. Ten FS 6/1.5 model filters for effective removal of suspended solids in the effluent.

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Filtri a Tela Pile per un Birrificio in Vietnam
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • Pile Cloth Media Filters
  • Food & Beverage Industry

Pile Cloth Filters for a Brewery in Vietnam

Efficiency and sustainability in process water reuse: this has always been the focus of a Vietnamese plant of a multinational beverage company, which now optimizes the process with MITA pile cloth filters: reduced performance and power consumption.

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Filtri a Tela Verticali per Cartiera del Nord Italia
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Paper Mills
  • Suspended Solid Removal
  • Pile Cloth Media Filters

Vertical Cloth Filters for Paper Mill in Northern Italy

In 2019, a historic paper mill in northern Italy relies on MITA Water Technologies to optimize the treatment of its industrial wastewater. The solution? A compact and highly efficient vertical-axis disc filter system that reduced suspended solids below 10 mg/l. All this, smoothly and with an eye on cost and available space.

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