News & Events

MITA Water Technologies and wastewater treatment

Le innovazioni di prodotto, i tavoli tecnici e gli eventi sul trattamento e il riutilizzo di acque reflue, in particolare sulla filtrazione terziaria: scopri le ultime news in questa sezione.

MITA Lifecycle Services

MITA Lifecycle Services: product quality and reliability over time

MITA Lifecycle Services integrate a wide range of wastewater treatment systems. Cloth filters. Biocombi – compact plants for small communities. Biorulli

MITA Water Technologies a IFAT 2020

MITA Water Technologies at IFAT 2020

April 23, 2020 update: IFAT 2020 has been definitively canceled, next edition May 30th-June 3rd 2022. MITA Water Technologies will

Nuova Sede di MITA Water Technologies in Via Emilia a Siziano

New Headquarters of MITA Water Technologies in Siziano

Since August 26th MITA Water Technologies has moved to its new headquarters in Via Emilia 4, Siziano (province of Pavia, Italy):

3 Milioni di m2 di Rotori Biologici Biorulli Installati

More than 3 million m2 of Biorulli biodiscs installed

MITA Water Technologies has just reached the target of 3,300,000 m2 of Biorulli biodiscsinstalled in Italy and around the world.

Grandi Filtri a Tela MITA nell'Impianto di Depurazione di Cuma

Cloth Filters for the Cuma Wastewater Treatment Plant

MITA Water Technologies has supplied the Cuma sewage treatment plant (Naples province) with one of the largest tertiary filtration systems

500 Filtri a Tela Venduti da MITA Water Technologies

More than 500 pile cloth filters installed by MITA

The MITA Water Technologies team recently reached and surpassed half a thousand cloth filters installed in Italy and abroad.

MITA Water Technologies a IFAT 2018

MITA Water Technologies at IFAT 2018

MITA Water Technologies participated as an exhibitor at IFAT 2018: Munich, May 14-18, 2018.

MITA Water Technologies a Wetex 2017

MITA Water Technologies at Wetex 2017

At Wetex 2017, MITA Water Technologies presented the advantages of tertiary disc filtration with free fiber for suspended solids removal,

Evergreen Nuovo Distributore di MITA Water Technologies

Evergreen new distributor for MITA Water Technologies

Evergreen Water Solutions is now the exclusive distributor of MITA Water Technologies for the UK market and for fabric filters

MITA Water technologies a Big Phosphorus Conference 2017

MITA at Big Phosphorus Conference 2017

MITA Water Technologies has exhibited its cloth filters at the Big Phosphorus Conference, Manchester (United Football Stadium), July 4th-5th, 2017.