Cost-effective solution. Extremely low initial acquisition costs.

Biorulli® Biorotors B 200
2 m diameter discs and concrete tankThe biorotors, B 200 series, are the Biorulli® biodiscs biological oxidation solution: allowing high versatility in the face of widely varying effluent loads throughout the year. All this in conjunction with truly affordable acquisition costs.
Extreme flexibility with load variations. The system is insensitive to large variations (plus or minus) in both biological and hydraulic loading, even if they last for many hours.
Ease of operation and maintenance. The purely "mechanical" operation of the machine does not require specialized personnel. The wear and tear of mechanical parts is negligible, the administration of additives or reagents is not expected.
Modularity and scalability. Facilities can be upgraded at later times by adding additional units.
Minimal footprint. Compact solution, reduced need for ancillary works.
Rapid, mechanical starting. The system starts up in a short time (10÷15 days) without the need for inoculation of bacterial flora.
Biorulli® Biorotors B 200: description
The biorotors of the B series are characterized by a tubular shaft made of painted carbon steel and a variable number of sandwich discs (of different diameters according to the individual types) made of plastic material: they are the fundamental component on which the bacterial flora is formed, which, as in all versions of Biorulli® rotating biological contactors, operates the biodegradation of organic matter.
The “biodiscs” are arranged according to different flow patterns (in series and/or in parallel) depending on the capacity of the plant, the degree of purification and abatement required, and the incoming BOD5 content. They are intended to be housed in tanks constructed of concrete or metal depending on the plant arrangement requirements. The disc roller in its standard version is supplied complete with rolling bearings and motion transmission device.
The B 200 biorotors series is by far the most widely used: it was the first to be launched and manufactured by MITA Water Technologies 40 years ago. It also covers the plant size where the advantages of the Biorulli® oxidation system are most evident: small and medium-sized plants, with very important seasonal variations during different times of the year. They are a cost-effective yet efficient solution.
Ask for InformationSome case studies with Biorulli®
- Industrial Wastewater
- Suspended Solid Removal
- BOD and COD Removal
- Biorulli® Biodiscs
- Lamellar Pack Decanters
- Food & Beverage Industry
Biodiscs and Decanter for Italian Food Company
Integrated systems for different stages of water treatment: the key to a successful supply for a food company, through an environmentally sensitive engineering consulting firm in northern Italy.
Read more- Industrial Wastewater
- Suspended Solid Removal
- BOD and COD Removal
- Biorulli® Biodiscs
- Continuous Sand Filters
- Oil & Gas
Biodiscs and Sand Filters for Coastal Depots of Esso
MITA Water Technologies provided ESSO Italiana with wastewater treatment solutions at the coastal depots in Naples and Palermo. Through the use of continuous regeneration sand filters and Biorulli(r) biodiscs, significant results were achieved, such as reduced energy consumption and maintenance costs, plant modularity, and compliance with current regulations.
Read moreBiorulli® Rotating Biological Contactors for ENI
Customization and long-term trust relationship: these are the two variables that decided the award to MITA Water Technologies of the revamping of the water treatment of an ENI depot in Central Italy. Rotary biological contactors, supplied to the company, are simple but efficient devices for COD removal.
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