1. Context of installation
Acque Novara, a public agency operator in the Province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola (Italy), needed to replace the existing filters of the public sewage treatment plant in order to achieve better performance in treating municipal water in Gravellona Toce.
2. Proposed solution
Acque Novara turned to MITA Water Technologies. MITA proposed the use of three pile (or “free-fiber”) cloth filters, model MSF 12/60 PEC, each equipped with 12 discs and a filtering surface area of 60m² per device. This advanced filtration technology was integrated into the downstream supply chain of the secondary sedimentation process. Some of the services provided to the partner, in addition to the supply of the machinery: on-site transportation, assembly assistance, machine start-up and testing.
3. Results and key success factors
The cloth filters supplied by MITA Water Technologies exceeded expectations. They successfully handled a maximum flow rate of 1,125 cu m/h and an average flow rate of 325 cu m/h, ensuring optimal operating efficiency. In addition, the concentration of total suspended solids (TSS) at the inlet, which was 35 mg/l, was reduced to only 10 mg/l at the outlet, significantly improving the quality of treated water.
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