
Your vademecum for water treatment technologies

Informative technical articles, BIM files, quality standards, best practices-the sources you have to become aware of your needs with municipal and process wastewater. Then seek support from a professional.

Articoli Tecnici per Trattamento e Filtrazione Acque Reflue

Technical Articles

You're in the right section: wastewater treatment technologies, explained well and in the context of the needs of public agencies and businesses. Here you will find resources for an initial general overview of your needs. Do you need more? Get in touch with us.

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BIM Models

BIM stands for Building Information Modeling: it is the ability to digitally represent both the physical and functional characteristics of an object (according to its definition). BIM methodology is becoming increasingly popular among engineers in engineering firms: it allows for great interoperability between software and processes used in engineering.

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Modelli BIM di Sistemi per il Trattamento Acque Reflue
Normative sulle Acque Reflue Industriali e Civili

Best Practices

Regulations, studies, guidelines-these are additional resources to guide you in your needs before seeking support from a wastewater management professional.

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Pile Cloth Media Filters for Wastewater Treatment: what to know

Pile cloth media filters, or free-fiber cloth filters, are an extremely efficient technology for tertiary filtration of civil and industrial wastewater. Here you will find a guide to all site resources on this water treatment technology.

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Panoramica dei Filtri a Tela Pile
Filtri a Tela Verticali a Fibra Libera

Industrial Wastewater Treatment: what to know

Definition and market for industrial wastewater treatment. Systems, Applications, Technical Needs. Technologies and case studies in industrial effluent treatment.

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Here are some of the resources on wastewater management that you will find in this section

  • Technical articles on wastewater treatment, tertiary filtration, water reuse: some simple information to contextualize your need within the broader scope of water management.
  • BIM files: an acronym for “Building Information Modeling”: designers and engineers can download these types of technical drawings, which conform to international standards (such as PAS1192 and COBie) and incorporate them within their plant designs.
  • Glossary: an exhaustive list of processes, technologies, technical requirements related to wastewater treatment.
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